
Canine Reproduction Part 1

Canine Reproduction Part 1

Part 1 CONCEPTION SUCCESS STARTS WITH PROPER NUTRITION & TIMING Good nutrition, ovulating timing, breeding to quality semen from a proven stud dog, and monitoring the pregnancy properly are key to success. How Soon and How Often Should I Breed? It is generally not recommended to breed till the female dog is at least one year old and preferably on the second cycle. The total number of litters a female should have over a lifetime depends on the individual dog. Most of this will depend on genetics, temperament, health, conformation, and other traits she brings to the breed as a...

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Cold Weather Safety for Pets

Cold Weather Safety for Pets

When temperatures drop, we layer up in warm clothes, turn up the furnace, enjoy hot drinks, and take other steps to stay warm and safe. But what about our pets? Practicing good cold weather safety for pets is essential to keep all our furry, scaled, and feathered family members safe and comfortable in winter. How Animals Adapt to Cold Animals have many natural adaptations to cold weather. Our furry friends may grow a thicker winter coat, while many animals will gain weight in autumn to store an insulating layer of fat just under their skin. Some animals slow their metabolism...

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Pet Dangers During the Holiday Season

Pet Dangers During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a stressful, hectic time, but it can also be a downright dangerous season for pets. Being aware of the hidden dangers that lurk in everything from holiday food and decorations to family visits is essential for all pet owners to safeguard their furred, feathered and scaled family members. Top 10 Holiday Dangers to Pets – And How to Keep Safe Many holiday things we enjoy – special foods and feasts, enchanting decorations, twinkling lights, gifts, visits from family and friends – can actually be dangerous to pets. Fortunately, avoiding these dangers is easy once we understand...

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Helping Dogs Cope With Visitors to Your Home

Helping Dogs Cope With Visitors to Your Home

Dogs can have many different reactions to visitors, from excited piddling and jumping to fearful growling and anxiety to barking and aggression. Every dog owner should take steps to train their canine companion to react appropriately when guests arrive, and there are several ways to help dogs have better "company manners" when greeting guests. Socialization Is Essential Many dogs react poorly to visitors because they aren't used to being around strangers. Proper socialization and training from an early age – either from puppyhood or as soon as a dog is adopted – will help dogs learn how to behave around...

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Recognizing Neonatal Distress in Puppies

Recognizing Neonatal Distress in Puppies

Even under the best circumstances, some newborn puppies may struggle to survive. Recognizing signs of distress in puppies may circumvent mortality. “In general, a well-managed kennel should experience less than 20 percent puppy mortality over time,” says Purina veterinarian Melanie Barnes. “Greater than 20 percent mortality should be a concern. The highest risk of mortality is the first 72 hours during the neonatal stage. After that, the causes of mortality shift from congenital abnormalities to environmental factors, maternal issues, infectious disease, or trauma, to name a few.”Breeders who have persistent problems with mortality before weaning should consider having postmortem examinations...

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